The Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy at a Glance won't do anything evil, unethical, or yucky with your personal data.
Data collected on the site is used to help make your experience here better, and your PERSONAL information will NEVER be sold, traded, leased, slime-balled, or distributed to third parties.
Full Privacy Policy (SSV) respects your privacy. Any and all personal information collected on the site will remain on the site. It will never be sold, lent, rented, or given to third parties.
SSV pays very close attention to traffic patterns, user behaviors, and web logs - but this is done to help ease overall use of the site and make it more effective. This is also done, of course, to help give advertisers an idea of what kind of traffic they can expect on the site should they decide to advertise with SSV, or should they decide to sponsor videos on SSV. However, despite SSV's keen attention to traffic patterns and user behaviors, no personally linked information will ever be disclosed to 3rd parties in conjunction with web and site analytics.
SSV offers a user survey to registered members. This survey helps SSV better understand its audience, and does collect general information about users. This information is shared with 3rd parties and may even be sold, leased, or rented. But in all cases when this information is shared, it will only be done so in aggregate, and will not provide any personal information that could be linked, or tracked, to given end users or site visitors.
SSV makes use of Cookies. It is, after all, 2025. And cookies are no real threat. But Cookies aren't being used to spy on you. Instead they're used to track recently viewed content on the site (which will ONLY be displayed to you - and to no one else), and to track your agreement to SSV's terms of use. They're also used to keep track of registered members, but, again, nothing stored in your cookies will ever be revealed to third parties.