Options for Copying and Moving Databases

Options for Copying and Moving Databases

- Details

Moving SQL Server databases is a bit harder than just moving simple file-system files. In this video, you'll learn why that is and what you need to account for when moving and copying your own databases. Furthermore, this video outlines the different options available to you for moving and copying databases - and shows you exactly which videos in this series you'll want to watch to move and copy your databases using the option that best matches your needs.

This Video Covers

Database Management, File System and the SQL Server Storage Engine, Logins, Users and Roles and their impacts on copying and moving databases.


Video Length: 05:45
Skill Level: 000 - Overview
Series: Copying and Moving Databases
Author/Presenter: Michael K. Campbell
Applies to SQL Server: 2000, 2005, and 2008

Tags: Administration, Concepts, Security, Development, Setup, and Storage Engine


Analyst 0
DBA 50
Developer 40
Manager 10


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mads - June 25, 2009.

Good Study Materials


Dgmoss - December 22, 2011.


- March 25, 2012.

I appreciate it.

Jobby - September 02, 2013.

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