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Tag: concepts

Matches: 10


SQL Server Backups Demystified

Learn why SQL Server Backups can be hard to understand and master. A must-see video for anyone who isn't familiar with SQL Server Backup functionality.

Covers: Backups, Recovery, Log Files, Transactions, and the SQL Server Storage Engine.

Skill Level: 000 - Overview

Video Length: 11:09

Release Date: 2008-01-03

Understanding Backup Options

Learn about backup types, execution options, storage locations, and other options in order to best address your backup and recovery needs.

Covers: Backups, Recovery, Log Files, Storage Engine, and the SQL Server File System.

Skill Level: 000 - Overview

Video Length: 12:46

Release Date: 2008-01-03

SQL Server Logging Essentials

Take an in-depth look at SQL Server's use of the transaction log and see how write-ahead logging benefits performance, reliability, and data recovery.

Covers: Log Files, Recovery, Backups, the SQL Server Storage Engine, and Transactions.

Skill Level: 000 - Overview

Video Length: 14:15

Release Date: 2008-07-09

Managing SQL Server 2000 Log Files

Learn how to set database recovery models and properly size and configure file-growth for your SQL Server 2000 databases.

Covers: Log Files, Recovery, Backups, Management, and Enterprise Manager.

Skill Level: 100 - Beginner

Video Length: 10:38

Release Date: 2008-07-11

Managing SQL Server 2005 & 2008 Log Files

Learn how to set database recovery models and properly size and configure file-growth for your SQL Server 2005 and 2008 databases.

Covers: Log Files, Recovery, Backups, Management, and SQL Server Management Studio.

Skill Level: 100 - Beginner

Video Length: 10:28

Release Date: 2008-07-11

SQL Server Backup Best Practices

Learn about SQL Server Backup best practices and the role of disaster recovery plans.

Covers: Best Practices, Disaster Recovery, Backups, and Recovery.

Skill Level: 000 - Overview

Video Length: 12:14

Release Date: 2008-07-19

Using SQL Server Templates

In this video you'll learn how to use, create, and manage SQL Server Templates.

Covers: Code Reuse, T-SQL, SSMS, Query Analyzer, and Code Management.

Skill Level: 200 - Intermediate

Video Length: 07:09

Release Date: 2008-10-08

Options for Copying and Moving Databases

Learn about technical considerations for moving and copying SQL Server databases, and learn about the videos and options available for copying and moving your own databases.

Covers: Database Management, File System and the SQL Server Storage Engine, Logins, Users and Roles and their impacts on copying and moving databases.

Skill Level: 000 - Overview

Video Length: 05:45

Release Date: 2008-10-20

Attaching and Detaching SQL Server Databases

Learn the exact steps you'll need to take to successfully detach and attach SQL Server 2005 and 2008 databases in order to move or copy them.

Covers: SQL Server Management Studio, the SQL Server File System, and Database Management options required to attach and detach SQL Server 2005/2008 databases.

Skill Level: 100 - Beginner

Video Length: 10:33

Release Date: 2008-10-29

Copying and Moving SQL Server Logins

Learn how to transfer and re-map SQL Server Logins from one server to another, and see how to enumerate and troubleshoot logins against assigned users and roles within SQL Server databases.

Covers: Database Management, Logins, Security, Roles and Users.

Skill Level: 200 - Intermediate

Video Length: 09:56

Release Date: 2008-10-30