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Tag: transactions

Matches: 3


SQL Server Backups Demystified

Learn why SQL Server Backups can be hard to understand and master. A must-see video for anyone who isn't familiar with SQL Server Backup functionality.

Covers: Backups, Recovery, Log Files, Transactions, and the SQL Server Storage Engine.

Skill Level: 000 - Overview

Video Length: 11:09

Release Date: 2008-01-03

SQL Server Logging Essentials

Take an in-depth look at SQL Server's use of the transaction log and see how write-ahead logging benefits performance, reliability, and data recovery.

Covers: Log Files, Recovery, Backups, the SQL Server Storage Engine, and Transactions.

Skill Level: 000 - Overview

Video Length: 14:15

Release Date: 2008-07-09

Shrinking SQL Server Log Files

Learn about the kinds of conditions that make log files adversely grow - and see how to troubleshoot and prevent these problems from blowing your databases out of space.

Covers: Log Files, Transactions, the SQL Server Storage Engine, and Backups.

Skill Level: 300 - Advanced

Video Length: 11:45

Release Date: 2008-07-18